“Type Type Type” at the Society for News Design workshop in New York
March 22, 2018 — 12:30pm–5:00pm
Theresa Lang Student Center
The New School
55 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10011
Christian Schwartz has assisted in organizing an afternoon of talks on type in news design at SND/NYC, featuring Tobias Frere-Jones, Francesco Franchi and Angelo Rinaldi of La Repubblica, Yara Khoury, and Peter Rentz & Derrick Schultz of the New York Times. This series of short talks and conversations will explore the macro and micro issues of typography in news.
This series of short talks and conversations will explore the macro and micro issues of typography in news, from the molecular level — breaking down the details that make a text face readable — to the big picture of how typefaces combine to give a publication its voice and personality, and how that voice can be extended from print to digital media. Hailing from Italy, Lebanon, and New York, the speakers will present a diverse set of viewpoints around how we read.
Tobias Frere-Jones of Frere-Jones Type will be speaking on the process of designing Exchange.
Francesco Franchi & Angelo Rinaldi will be speaking on their redesign of La Repubblica, with a focus on how the new typefaces created a distinctive voice for the publication.
Yara Khoury from the American University of Beirut will be speaking on Arabic-language news design.
Peter Rentz & Derrick Schultz of The New York Times will be speaking on how type can unify print and digital editions.
Christian Schwartz will be speaking on the typefaces he and Berton Hasebe have created for T, the New York Times Style Magazine over the years, and how type can connect a supplement to its parent publication while giving it a separate identity.